What Is an Interacve Flat Panel Display? Interacve flat panel displays are collaboraon soluons designed for interacve white boarding, videoconferencing, screen sharing, and more. The latest technologies let you securely connect to parcipants whether they're in the room or joining remotely. These all-in-one devices combine a range of collaboraon and meeng management funcons into one large, flat panel display. Users can connect to interacve flat panel displays from their own devices, or they can use mul touch capabilies on the display itself.
Industry Applicaons: Because they’re designed specifically for collaboraon, interacve flat panel displays are typically used in one of two sengs.
Educaon Collaboraon: While tradional whiteboards and digital projectors lead to passive viewing and limited parcipaon, interacve flat panel displays for educaon help educators create modern, data-centric classrooms that enhance collaboraon and learning.The latest soware for interacve flat panel displays features analycs to help educators check aendance, measure student responsiveness, and gain a beer understanding of the classroom environment. Teachers can also record classroom content so that it can be shared later.
Corporate Collaboraon: Empower collaboraon and producvity among face-to-face and remote teams without straining your IT resources—all on a foundaon of security. interacve flat panel displays are designed to help parcipants start meengs quickly, share content, and inspire creavity and innovaon.