PTC Magic Floor is an innovave, interacve play plaorm with endless possibilies. Use this technology to create large Interacve Wall and Interacve Floor surfaces with projectors or any other display technology. PTC Magic Floor is revoluonary not only because of the technology but also because it is the most praccal, robust and fun gesture plaorm for kids while sll being easy to install and operate. Interacve Playgrounds created with PTC Magic Floor can convert any free space into an unforgeable fun-filled experience in any environment. The low aenon span of kids requires use of specialized systems and interacve content for total engagement especially in new and unfamiliar surroundings. PTC Magic Floor has proved to be a healthy way of blending mental and physical acvity in a variety of educaonal and learning scenarios. It improves collaboraon, parcipaon and cognive skills while creang hours and hours of fun filled educaon for kids. Our ever-growing Games Library contains a variety of games and customizable templates to make sure that you never run out of new things to try out.